its really hard only being here for a month. i love everyone in our group, i am really close with my roommate and host family, and i am genuinely happy here. since the very beginning
ive sort of been counting the days because it all seemed like it would be so soon
already that i would have to leave. I know how programs like this work, i remember morocco. After the first month the group of people who were there longer shrinks and so everyone is able to get
alot closer. Its really hard when i cant get in touch with anyone at home, and
im gone long enough that it creates a distance with them, but at the same time i am not here long enough to really get close to everyone the way i would like to. The
potential is here for some lifelong friendships, i just hope everyone
doesn't forget about me as soon as i leave. Ive just been in a weird mood for the past few days, this will all pass.
this past weekend we went to the dead sea. We got to see Jericho, and an 80

00 year wall that is the oldest city in
existence. it is a very strange feeling, knowing
youre next to something so old that it is the oldest something there is. this is the cradle of civilization. We also got to see the
judean wilderness, which i really like especially because its called wilderness. we had to
bargain our way into the dead sea because
tey tried to turn our bus back for having a
palestinian driver. when i say
israelis have rights to 99% of the water, i sure mean it. This includes the dead sea which is
probably the least potable thing in the world. We talked our way in and it was really nice and beautiful. You just run in and cover yourself with mud and float around. It can be tons of fun, unless you get any water in your eyes or mouth. Some off duty
IDF soldiers swam over and were hitting on us, much like the ones in tel
aviv. Again bragging about their missions, telling us that pretty soon they were going to
gaza to kill all the terrorists. Julia got a k
ick out of it when i played my stupid
american card and asked them what
gaza was. I was laying on my back and i ended up with water all over my eyes, but my eyes were closed so i just
couldnt open them until i had fresh water to
rinse them out with. So she and the
IDF soldiers lead me back up to an outdoor shower.
Im sure it must have been
hilarious to my host family that was there, me being lead around by couple soldiers, we had walked right passed them, and as i was later informed, a couple of topless women. I
wouldnt have known though because i was blind. It w

as great i wandered back over to the group and smoked some
argilah on the beach, there is nothing better.
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