around the time i went to tel aviv, i heard again something that i had already heard many times while i was here and it had to do with the israeli flag. after the third or fourth time i heard this from different people it finally started to sink in because this seemed to
be common knowledge over here. The two stripes are supposed to represent two rivers: the nile and the euphrates, and the star is supposed to represent the land of the jewish people. This boils down to the idea that they are entitled to everything between those two rivers, which is quite a bit of land. When i first understood this idea, and how ingrained in the people it must be to become a part of the flag i almost just felt physically sick. When you look at the map of israel over the past 60 years, it has grown immensely and i know that the plan is for it to keep growing but i had no idea just how far. Everything here is under the excuse of security, but as i have already learned almost none of it really has anything to do with security. I wondered if all the land israel stole from the surrounding nations was just a part of this expansion rather than 'bartering chips to increase their security'. I wondered if egypt understood the real plan when they chose to make peace. I was answered that egypt did know and there wasnt much more to say about it. I just thought it was interesting to have a little more insight into the israeli plan, which makes many things that seem illogical make more sense, though that insight is usually very frightening to me. When the british decided to make a state for the jews after WWII, they had several other choices besides palestine. I like to wonder what it would have been like if they had chosen argentina at times like this, and how they would have justified their expansion there, and what would have happened to the argentinians. I dont know why i like to do this its not like it would be funny for argentinians to be oppressed, i guess it just seems even more ridiculous if it had been there and they were trying to justify the same things without all the biblical names. The world would be such a different place, and these huge changes can be in such little decisions that people make so haphazardly. I suppose its hopeful, although many of these decisions have caused changes for the worse, that something could happen that could possibly cause such a huge positive impact. Now all i have to do is figure out what it is.

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